Explore a wide variety of destinations

From capitals of timeless charm to business hubs, there are many destinations you can discover by choosing to fly with us.
A couple is using pc on a private jet

Intermediary-free search

Find and book your jet becomes easily and instantly. Access the best options directly and eliminate the waiting and fees associated with traditional brokers.

A group of friends on a private jet

Share the comfort

Travel with friends and colleagues, or other travelers going to the same destination like you, by booking a private jet in absolute flexibility and comfort.

A champagne bottle and two glasses on a private jet

Live valuable experiences

You will discover the meaning of having a completely private flight experience. Comfort, refined ambiance and onboard service dedicated to you are just a few elements that define Flylux.

What people say about us?

Listen to the stories of our clients about how we turned their experiences into unforgettable moments..

Get ready to fly by jet share

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